Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 6

I'm writing this before I go to sleep so I'll just tell you now that I ate better than the previous days. I weighed myself earlier this morning (6am) and the result.....(drum roll please!!)...175lbs. I freakin' gained 3 lbs from Day 2. At least it's well documented why I gained the extra weight...see Days 4 and 5.

Breakfast (615am)
-1 chicken sausage link. This is all I had and I was in a rush to leave the house.
-2 x 24oz of coffee-no cream, no sugar, no nothin!

Lunch (1140am)
You guessed it! Flame Broiler - beef veggie bowl, no rice
-24 oz unsweetened iced tea

Snack (afternoon)
-2 oz of cranberry, almond, and cashews trail mix
-2 cubes of paleo bar

WOD (7-8pm)
-Tabata sprints (2 rounds of 8 x 20sec sprint, 10sec rest)
-Tabata hollow rocks (4 x 20sec on, 10sec rest)
-"Randy" (75 power snatches at 75lbs)
Result - "Randy" at 6 min, 40 sec

Dinner (830pm)
-15oz of seasoned ground beef with chickpeas (not sure if that's paleo)

Hopefully I hit the ground running on this one. See you tomorrow.

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