Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 8

Breakfast (620am)
-5 pcs of turkey bacon
-3 eggs
-24oz coffee

Stolen Quote of (or for) the day: "All know the way, but few actually walk it" - Bodhidharma (Buddhist monk, Zen master)

2nd quote of the day: "I really, really, really hate Fran" - Homer (Average Crossfitter, Paleo-enthusiast (non-master))

Alrighty! Lunch (12pm)
-Baja Fresh Steak and Shrimp bowl - no rice and no beans, 3 slices of avocado, with corn though
-2 x12oz diet coke. I'll have to start and reduce the amount I drink. It's like crack!

-10 oz of cranberry, almonds, cashew, pineapple trailmix

WOD (7-8pm)
3 rounds: 1 minute each of jump squats, L-sit holds, starjumps, situps, and row for calories
Total Reps: 320ish (not really counting nor going hard due to stupid stupid Fran)

Dinner (830p)
-beef cubes with light sauce, 14 oz

There you go, Day 8. Trying to string up good days together.


  1. I may need to steal your second quote. :)

  2. I love your 2nd quote and your "CRACK" photo!! Awesome!! PS I forgot how much I love that episode.

  3. I can't believe this is the first picture I put up

  4. way to straighten things up! keep it up :)
